Scheduler, PWC, and DAT-MAIL- Software Requirements

Install Software Prerequisites

If any or all of these prerequisites are not present when attempting to install Window Book software, the installation routine will notify you which prerequisites are needed and how to find them. When this occurs, the installation will abort. Install the necessary prerequisites before attempting the product install.

Click on the product name from the Download page, and the software prerequisites are listed. As of 7/14/21, the operating systems supported and prerequisite software are the same for these products, as well as for PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard (PWDD), DAT-PreCheck (DPC), and DAT-MAIL Prep (DMP).

Even if you did not purchase PostalWeb Connector (PWC). We recommend you take advantage of PWC, at a minimum, for obtaining PostalOne! Customer Data to avoid By/For errors.

Review Product Requirements

Before installation, it is necessary to look at product requirements. If you have not already reviewed Product Installation Requirements, do so now.

  • Window Book-generated product registration keys are required (contact Window Book Client Services team - Contact Us). The registration keys should be obtained before attempting to install the software.

  • To use the full version of PWC, a registration key is required.

  • Service Log On Permissions: The Scheduler, PWC and DAT-MAIL install and use services require a service-specific log on to insure proper functionality. In addition, the 'Window Book DAT-MAIL Database' service log on credentials require special permissions pertaining to MS SQL database usage, as outlined in Window Book Product Installation Requirements.

  • The service log on credentials should be created prior to installation. The user performing the installation will need to have the credentials on-hand at the time of installation.

  • For PWC, a set of valid PostalOne! log on credentials is required for the MDR Client site.

  • Window Book strongly recommends using a set of PostalOne! credentials specific for Window Book products to avoid possible conflicts and service disruptions that can occur if more than one set of PostalOne! credentials are being used simultaneously for different things.

  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) needs to be installed on the server or stand-alone where MS SQL Server (or MS SQL Server Express) is installed.

  • Scheduler must be installed on the same server or stand-alone where you are planning to install PWC and DAT-MAIL.

  • The server or stand-alone where Scheduler and PWC will be installed must be properly synchronized to the atomic time, preferably with a ‘time server’. Failure of the server or computer to keep the correct time may result in access denied errors if the server or computer’s time varies more than 5 minutes (+/-) from the atomic time.

  • In an operating environment consisting of server-with-workstations, it is only necessary to install the Scheduler and PWC on the server, not the workstations.

  • To ensure the delivery of the various error notifications that are available, Window Book strongly recommends that a specific set of current Window Book-sourced email addresses are included in the mailer’s “white-list” of trusted email addresses. For more information, refer to the ‘White List Help’ page on Window Book’s website at: White List Help.

For memory requirements for running MDR Client, see USPS Technical Specification for Mail.dat. It is currently in Section 2. PostalOne! Mail.dat Client Software. Clients must also take into account Microsoft SQL Server (if running on the same machine) and PWC, as well. Window Book strongly recommends adding 1 GB of memory for MS SQL Server and another 1 GB for PWC.

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