DAT-PreCheck (DPC) Screen Detail

Clicking DAT-PreCheck displays the DAT-PreCheck screen. You can run QA checks on Mail.dats, as they are created by presort programs to ensure no wrong or inaccurate parameters or settings, can make the Mail.dat non-compliant with Full-Service requirements. This feature provides a report on every Mail.dat via email. DPC validates whether you are using a valid MID and CRID for the Mail Owner and the Mail Preparer. Confirms when the job is non-profit whether the NPA number is correct. It also confirms whether the labeling lists used are within their effective date range. Give you a heads up when you may be using the wrong STID on the piece barcodes.

Requirements for using DPC - you need to register for your PostalWeb (PWN) site, have your PWN site's EDocs - DAT-PreCheck Service turned on, and provision PWN in PWC.

DPC was added to PWC to let it run off the PWC service. So you no longer have to start up DPC each day. Instead, it will automatically run as long as the PWC service runs.

If you are in a server-with-workstation environment, we recommend that you continue to install DPC on the workstations since users frequently do not have access to PWC on the server. In addition, Window Book recommends using PWC for all of your Auto Validations since users will be able to see the status of these submissions both in DPC and PWDD.

Below the print screen is an explanation:

Auto Validation: This section of the screen is the same as the Auto Validation tab in DPC. When enabled when it detects a Mail.dat in the Input folder, it will automatically start validating it and continue looking for Mail.dats as long as the PWC service is running.

Use DAT-PreCheck: You need to select this checkbox to use Auto Validation.

Session Folder Settings: In this section, after you enable DPC, you need to set an Input folder, the location where Mail.dats will be placed to be validated. Set a Processed folder, so DPC knows the location to move the Mail.dats after validation is complete. And set a Failed folder location, so if DPC cannot validate the Mail.dat it will move to this folder.

Batch Validation: This section allows users who have PWC installed on a workstation where the user has access to validate Mail.dats manually.

For more information, on what is validated and how to use Batch Validation, please see the DAT-PreCheck™ - Installation and User Guide.

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