Disclaimer: This document is intended for internal support use this guide at your own risk.

Advanced Workflow Automation ManagerFile Manager (AWAM FM & File Manager) - Setup Guide

Updating the Software


For the purpose of this section, the term “server” refers to a server in a server-with-workstation environment.

DAT-MAIL and AWAM services must not be running, nor should the AWAM Control Center be open/minimized when attempting to install an update AWAM FM on the server. Make sure if AWAM is minimized to the task bar to right click and select Stop the Service. If the AWAM Control Center is open, click Stop and exit out of the AWAM Control Center before attempting to update AWAM FM. Unsure whether AWAM is running, refer to our FAQ -

Run the downloaded executable by right-clicking on it and selecting Run as Administrator. And follow the installation screens, it is quick and does not require step-by-step instructions.

This applies to the server or a stand-alone only. AWAM FM can be installed on a workstation, while AWAM is running on the server.


In a server-with-workstations environment, the AWAM FM must be installed on its own or separately from DAT-MAIL on any/all workstations. Updating the AWAM FM software to keep it current also requires a separate update or installation process. To update the AWAM FM software on a workstation, download the software from the Window Book website -https://www.windowbook.com/Support/Downloads/Advanced-Workflow-Automation-Manager.

Run the downloaded executable by right-clicking on it and selecting Run as Administrator. And follow the installation screens, it is quick and does not require step-by-step instructions.