DAT-MAIL - Job Categories Setup

Managing Job Categories

The management of job categories ( Insert, Change, Delete) is performed from the Browse Categories screen, which is accessible from DAT-MAIL’s File > Category Maintenance menu option.

Add Job Category

Mailers may want to add new or different categories based on their workflow. For example, a mailer may merge a lot of small files into a larger file that is presented to PostalOne!. To accommodate this, the mailer could create “Unmerged” and “Merged” categories. When the mailer imports their files, they would be assigned the “Unmerged” category. Once DAT-MAIL’s Merge utility merges the files, the category can be changed to “Merged” for those files. The actual merged file itself would be assigned to “Production”. By assigning the default PostalOne! environment of both merged and unmerged files to TEM, the mailer can prevent data from the original files from ever reaching the PostalOne! PROD site where they would create duplicate barcodes on the mailer’s scorecard.

This is just one example for creating new categories. There are many other ways mailers will end up finding reasons to create their own categories.

To add a new category, click Insert.

A Record Will Be Added screen will display. Enter a Description for the category (for example, “Merged”) and select a PostalOne! Environment to be used (for example, TEM). Click OK when finished.

When it comes to assigning a PostalOne! environment to a category, Prod should be selected only if the Mail.dat files are to be sent to PostalOne! for postage payment. For Mail.dat, you do not want to go to PostalOne!, it does not matter much which other environment is chosen.

Editing a Category

In the Browse Categories window, you can edit or change an existing category by selecting the category in the list and clicking Change.

The Record Will Be Added screen will display, containing the details that make up the selected category. Make the desired change and click OK to save the changes.

Deleting a Category

If a job category has already been used and has jobs linked to it, it cannot be deleted.

In the Browse Categories window, select the category in the list and click Delete.

A Confirm Delete dialog will appear, click Yes to delete.

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