Generic Carrier - DAT-MAIL Setup

Instructions for API Supported/Non-LSC - DAT-MAIL Setup, LSC DropShip/Copal -DAT-MAIL Setup and LSC OnePrice - DAT-MAIL Setup are provided on separate pages.

This procedure assumes that the generic or non-API-supported carrier has already been added to the Carrier List and the addition of a corresponding Distribution List.

There are a few additional settings for generic or non-API-supported carriers to complete in DAT-MAIL after adding carrier information and distribution center information before using the MCTM function.

  • From the DAT-MAIL main menu, select File > Program Settings > Program Setup.

  • The Setup screen will display. Select the Logistics tab. Specify how the system should perform job look-ups within the screen's Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifest Job Management section. Most non-LSC users would use the Job Number/Job Description option; however, if a Client uses both LSC and non-LSC carriers, they will need to enable the Parsed Historical Header Job ID option.

    The Parsed Historical Header Job ID option is where the first five characters of the Mailer’s historical header Job ID (the Job ID created by their presort program) represent a numeric Job ID. The last three characters represent a three-character ‘List ID’ or version.

    The Parsed Historical Header Job ID option is required for all LSC users and those Mailers who use both LSC and non-LSC carriers.

  • Next, for non-LSC users (both generic and API-supported alike) who export their Mail.dat files, in the Setup screen, select the Export tab. Then, select both: Auto-calculate CSM gross weight; and Export using Historical Job ID checkboxes.

    Mailers not using LSC who do not export their Mail.dat files should perform pallet queries by Job Number, not Historical Header Job ID.

  • And lastly, in the Setup screen, select the Pallet Tracking/Intelligent Mail tab. Next, select the Enable Pallet Tracking checkbox. This option will ensure that a 12-character Unique ID is generated, which is not the same as IMb. This option also allows for every job imported to have its pallets displayed in the MCTM system.

  • At this point, when a user selects the Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting option from within the Logistics menu, the corresponding function buttons will appear in the navigator-style menu (if no other carrier setup is performed (such as ALG, King Logistics, or LSC).

See also