Mail Owner > Mail Owner Info - Updating E-Mail Address

When a new PWN site is created, your Company's email address is the same email address entered during the registration process. If this person is not available for some reason and no other user is assigned the role of ‘Administrator,’ the Company will have limited access to PWN and could experience service disruptions.

Therefore, it is recommended that, in certain situations, your Company's email address be changed to a different address, such as for a Company officer.

To change the MO email address, perform the following:

  1. In the top menu, select Mail Owner > Mail Owner Info.

  2. The Mail Owner page will display, specifically, the Mail Owner Information screen. Enter a new email address in the Email field.

  3. If you are not adding a Company logo at this time, click Done to save your change.

    Navigating away from the Mail Owner Information page without clicking Done will cancel any changes made.

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