Member Profile > Change Password

The Change Password screen allows users to change their password to log in to their PostalWeb site.

  • From the My Dashboard menu, hover over My Profile and click on Change Password to open the Change Password page.

    An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

  • The Change Password screen contains the following fields and the steps to change your password:

  • Current Password: Enter the current password assigned to this account.

  • New Password: Enter a new/different password to use. The password must be:

    • At least 7 characters long.

    • Must contain a "special character" (i.e. ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | - = \ [ ] { } ; ' : , . < > / ?).

  • As the new password is entered, a Password Strength meter will be displayed and show the approximate strength of the new password.

  • Confirm Password: Enter the new password a second time. The password entered here must match precisely the password entered in the New Password field.

  • When finished, the user must click Done to implement the new password.

    Navigating away from the Change Password screen before clicking Done will result in any updates or changes made being lost.

  • A confirmation message will display.

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