Transportation View - Managing PMOD Shipments

Managing the PMOD shipments created from a specific Mail.dat can be done by opening the Mail.dat and accessing the file’s Transportation View from the Advanced Navigator. In the Transportation View, click Manage PMOD Shipments.

The PMOD Labels/Shipments Browse screen displays the list of existing PMOD/PMEOD batches for the selected job.

In the screen example below, two PMOD shipments have been created from the selected job. The columns on this screen are:

  • Label Created Date: The date the label is created.

  • Label Created Time: The time the label is created

  • Account Name: Since you could have more than one payment account, the account name used is shown here.

  • Class: This will show either PMOD or PMEOD.

  • Origin ZIP: The origin zip comes from the Mailer Information tab Zipcode field in Program Setup.

  • Total Pieces: The total pieces for this PMOD or PMEOD shipment, which may include multiple entry points.

  • PMOD Shipments: The number of sacks or tray boxes.

  • Total Weight: The weight of the pieces, plus the container's tare weight being put into sacks or tray boxes.

  • Postage Savings: The savings on postage before shipping costs.

  • Shipping PMOD: The cost of shipping PMOD or PMEOD.

  • Net Savings: The savings after taking into account shipping costs.

  • Post Mark Date: The date set to ship PMOD sacks or tray boxes.

  • Scan Form Manifest Status: Until a Scan Form is printed, you will see No Manifest in this column.

  • Void Status: This column will show Not Void, Some Shipments Voided, or Entire Batch is Voided.

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