Utilities > File Utilities > Purge Old Pallet Tracking Records

If using Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting, this purges pallet records based on Scheduled Ship Date.

Professional Services sets up new Clients with the DAT-MAIL Data Maintenance Utility to run via the Scheduler, so you do not have to use these functions in DAT-MAIL. However, this is an alternative if a system backup or someone using DAT-MAIL interrupts the purge process.

  • Select Utilities > File Utilities > Purge Old Pallet Tracking Records from DAT-MAIL's main screen.

  • When the Remove old log records prompt appears, enter a Scheduled Ship Date and click OK to Remove.

  • A Warning dialog will appear. Confirm the date and click Yes to continue.

  • You may or not see a progress status window appear. It depends on how many pallet records are being removed.

  • You are done.

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