Utilities > File Utilities > File Utilities > Purge Old IM Piece Barcodes from IMBM

When you are storing Intelligent Mail Piece Barcodes in the IMPieceBarcode SQL table this will remove the records based on Postage Statement Mailing Date.

Professional Services sets up new Clients with the DAT-MAIL Data Maintenance Utility to run via the Scheduler, so you do not have to use these functions in DAT-MAIL. However, this is an alternative if a system backup or someone using DAT-MAIL interrupts the purge process.

We recommend retaining the IM Piece Barcodes for 120 days if you are tracking undocumented pieces.
  • Select Utilities > File Utilities > Purge Old Old IM Piece Barcodes from IMBM from DAT-MAIL's main screen.

  • When the Select Date Range prompt appears, enter the Postage Statement Mailing Date range and click OK. The example below is a 120 days before 2/15/22.

    If you discover that purging has not taken place in a while, you may need to complete the purge in batches. Thus, you may need to set a shorter date range to avoid being held up from processing jobs.

  • You will see your default waiting icon from Windows. For example, the blue circle spinning around, until it completes the deletion. When the Purge IM Piece Barcodes dialog appears, click OK.

  • You are done.

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