AWAM Control Center - Introduction
The AWAM Control Center (Control Center) is accessible from the server, a stand-alone, and any workstations where DAT-MAIL and AWAM are installed/registered. The functionality that is accessible from the Control Center differs slightly between a server and a workstation.
Function |
Server |
Workstation |
Monitor what is currently being processed through AWAM |
X |
X |
View processing history |
X |
X |
View the various logs for each Mail.dat that was imported, merged, or had post-processing applied to it for troubleshooting purposes |
X |
X |
View the PDFs generated during an import when the Batch Reports function is set up to do so as part of the import profile used |
X |
X |
Manage the AWAM Windows service and logon information for running it |
X |
Control the maximum number of profiles that can run simultaneously |
X |
Control how often the service checks the appropriate import folders for incoming Mail.dat files |
X |
Control the communication port AWAM uses |
X |
Purge CMD files to maximize disk space and system performance |
X |
Manage AWAM notifications |
X |
Export and Import AWAM profiles |
X |
X |
Stop and start the service |
X |
Pause the service |
X |
X |
Restart the service |
X |
Minimize the Control Center |
X |
X |
Access the Browse Profiles screen where profiles are managed; as well as, activated and deactivated |
X |
X |
The Control Center is a separate executable; therefore, the DAT-MAIL program can be closed with the Control Center remaining open and functioning.
Continue AWAM - Launching the Control Center