LSC Requirements

LSC DropShip/Copal

In addition to the General Requirements documented above, the following is also required to be able to use the LSC DropShip/Copal function in DAT-MAIL:

  • DIME user ID, site ID, and password for communication between DAT-MAIL and LSC’s DIME system. Contact your LSC representative to obtain these credentials before the setup of the LSC.

  • DropShip/Copal function in DAT-MAIL.

  • Sibling containers are not supported.

  • All pallets must have a Scheduled Induction Start Date and Scheduled Induction End Date. These are referred to as Drop Date Earliest and Latest in Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting's Orders Info window.

LSC OnePrice

In addition to the General Requirements documented above, the following is also required to be able to use the LSC OnePrice function in DAT-MAIL:

  • Mail.dat files – STD Letters on pallets only (no logical containers).

  • All trays must be on pallets or the Courtesy by Entry Point palletization option will be called to put them on courtesy pallets.

  • Sibling containers are not supported.

  • SFTP credentials – contact your LSC representative for the proper SFTP credentials before setting up the LSC OnePrice function in DAT-MAIL.

  • All pallets must have a Scheduled Induction Start Date and Scheduled Induction End Date. These are referred to as Drop Date Earliest and Latest in Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting's Orders Info window.

  • Editing restrictions – cannot make changes or open the Mail.dat file once uploaded to LSC. When the Mail.dat file is returned, entry points and pallet types (commingle, dropship or copal) cannot be changed (or anything that would impact postage payment amounts)! DAT-MAIL does assist with the enforcement of these restrictions.

    DAT-MAIL users should never try to unlock jobs during the LSC OnePrice processing, nor should users attempt to override DAT-MAIL protected fields for jobs that have been returned from LSC after OnePrice processing is complete.

What is Dime?

DIME is the LSC order-entry and trailer manifesting web API that DAT-MAIL uses to send orders and provide trailer manifest information for palletized, standard, or business mail. It can also be used with DAT-MAIL’s Logistics Data Exchange function that supports LSC’s OnePrice program and DAT-MAIL’s wbSCAN program.

What is OnePrice?

OnePrice is an LSC program for Marketing Mail letter mailings. The program uses an optimized mix of drop-shipped, copalletized, and commingled mail to reduce costs and meet planned in-home delivery dates.

How does it work?

You will use DAT-MAIL to send LSC the Mail.dat files for OnePrice jobs. Then, LSC will mark the file for optimized shipping and entry indicating which pallets will be drop shipped, copalletized, or commingled. Lastly, DAT-MAIL will automatically download the new Mail.dat and update it back to the original. It will also move commingle mail into a new Mail.dat so that this information is not sent to the USPS. At this point, you can print tray tags and pallet placards. The placards will indicate the type (Drop Ship, Commingle, or Copal) and the LSC facility where mail will be shipped. Though the commingle mail has been split out of the original job, it will still be included on the placards and tags in the regular order.

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