Import Defaults

The Import Defaults tab allows you to specify default settings and options for importing Mail.dat files. Three additional tabs are nested within the Default Imports tab. They are the Single File tab, Daemon tab, and Daemon Auto tab. DAT-MAIL’s Setup screen allows you to set defaults and turn options on/off for customized processing of their Mail.dat files. The settings can be made to update fields upon import while processing files within DAT-MAIL and export the finalized Mail.dat files. Some settings are required for the proper function of various DAT-MAIL components.

Select File > Program Settings > Program Setup from DAT-MAIL's main screen to launch the Setup screen.

The Setup screen comprises multiple tabs that contain default settings and options for various DAT-MAIL functions. In addition, some settings are required/necessary for the proper function of various DAT-MAIL components.

The tabs are Import Defaults; Mailer Information; Planalyzer (or Quick Plan); PostalOne!; Statement Generation (if applicable); Startup Options; Pallet Tracking/Intelligent Mail; Maintenance; Labeling List Validation; Container Tare Weights; Export; Archive; and Advanced Settings.

Detailed information for each tab is provided in the DAT-MAIL Setup Guide, but we recommend contacting our Support Team when you have questions.

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