Export Options

We will focus on the ones that impact the most users. First, go to the DAT-MAIL Main Menu and select File > Program Settings > Program Setup. In the Setup screen, click on the Export tab.

Detailed information is provided in the DAT-MAIL Setup Guide, but we recommend contacting our Support Team when you have questions.

The Mail.dat Export Settings section is the one we are highlighting here.

Default Export Directory: This is for Mail.dats exported for internal use or sent to another Company.

Do not use mapped drives. Since DAT-MAIL runs as a service, you need to use a UNC path.

Auto-calculate CSM gross weight: Window Book recommends selecting this option if you send your files to a logistics Company or print 8125s. The program will determine whether the containers reflect the accurate gross weight based on the tiers set in Container Tare Weights as you export the file.

Export using Historical Job ID: Many of our customers use this option. For example, a logistics Company requires a specific job id, instead of the auto-generated Job IDs from DAT-MAIL. Also, when you want control of the Job ID submitted to PostalOne! using the Historical Job ID is the best option.

Do not Export UPA: This is enabled by default. Please refer to the PostalOne! Mail.dat Technical Specification for more information - https://postalpro.usps.com/mailing/techspecs before enabling.

Spoilage PostalOne! Export Default:

  • Use either W - Wasted piece, PostalOne! will adjust, or S - Shortage, PostalOne! will adjust if submitting the Mail.dat to PostalOne!.

  • If you are creating a manual statement, then use either X - Wasted piece, DM will adjust, or T - Shortage, DM will adjust and select the Remove spoiled pieces from export checkbox, if you need to export the Mail.dat and have these pieces removed.

Export Mail.dat to compressed file: The default is to export as a zipped file, saving disk space. Deselect the checkbox if you do not want Mail.dats zipped after export.

Export to version: We will show which PostalOne currently supports Mail.dat Specification! as the default if, for some reason, you need to export the previous version, click the drop-down, and select the version needed. We will only show Mail.dat Specifications supported by PostalOne! to avoid you submitting a file that is no longer supported. For example, if there is a new USPS rate case and rate categories change, to properly reflect postage, you will need to use the current version of the Mail.dat.

Create OCI (for non-PO! full exports only): Unless a logistics Company requests you send the file with the OCI included, do not select this option. If an OCI file does not exist when this option is selected, then DAT-MAIL will create it.

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