Pallet Tracking/Intelligent Mail

If you wonder about the relevance of the settings Professional Services made based on feedback from your Company representative, this walks through Pallet Tracking and Intelligent Mail.

Enable Pallet Tracking

Participate in Intelligent Mail barcodes

Overwrite Pallet Label 24 Char barcodes and Overwrite Tray/Sack Label 24 Char barcodes

IMB Numbering

Register IM Piece Barcodes

Add Label data to IM database

Go to File > Program Settings > Program Setup from the DAT-MAIL main menu, then click on the Pallet Tracking/Intelligent Mail tab to access the Setup screen.

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

Enable Pallet Tracking

This feature automatically activates Generate Unique IDs for Pallets when selected. As a result, all uniquely numbered Pallets will be added to our pallet tracking database.This setting must be selected when using the legacy DIME system for users interfacing with LSC Logistics. For users of Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting (MCTM), it is needed for the pallets to be displayed in the MCTM system.

For mailers participating in Intelligent Mail Container Labeling:

Participate in Intelligent Mail barcodes

This option ensures that your container labels have the IM barcodes (IMBs). Also, it allows DAT-MAIL to either assign a unique USPS container and handling unit IMBs or log the IMBs already set in presort. If the presort is not assigning unique container barcodes, logging the IMBs warns you when there are duplicate container barcodes.

Overwrite Pallet Label 24 Char barcodes and Overwrite Tray/Sack Label 24 Char barcodes

This option generates a unique pallet or handling unit IMBs. To ensure you do not duplicate barcodes with presort software, request another MID to use exclusively in DAT-MAIL.

Even if you do not overwrite the IMBs from presort, if you create siblings having a unique MID for DAT-MAIL is vital to avoid duplicates.

IMB Numbering

This option determines when DAT-MAIL will create and when to register container IMBs.

Assign or Log at Import

This option creates or logs your unique IMBs when your files are imported.

Assign or Log at Tag Printing

This option waits until tags are printed to generate or log IMBs.

Register IM Piece Barcodes

DAT-MAIL writes your unique IM Piece Barcodes to our MS SQL database. When the IM piece barcodes are in the MS SQL database, we can query that table to apply spoilage/shortages. Also, this table is used to determine whether you have imported a Mail.dat with duplicate barcodes and is utilized when determining if pieces the USPS shows as undocumented were not undocumented.

Add Label data to IM database

This option adds your label data to the IM database.

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