My Dashboard > My Profile > Personal Info

Role Access: ALL

Allows the user to enter or edit contact information.

Personal Information

Contact Info

Mailing Address

Billing Address

When all items have been entered or edited in the Personal Information screens, the user must click Done for the changes to take effect.

Navigating away from the Personal Information screens before clicking Done will cancel any changes that have been made.

Clicking on Personal Info will bring you to the Member Profile screen in the Personal Information section.

Personal Information

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

First Name: First name of the user

Last Name: Last name of the user

Middle Name: Middle name or initial of the user

Nickname: A custom, substitute name the user prefers to be referred to

Company: Typically, the name of the user’s employer

Primary Email: The user’s primary Company email address. This email address is used for various communications purposes, including system notifications and identity verification.

It is essential to enter a valid, functioning email address. If the user forgets their password or user name, the information needed to resume using the account will be sent to this email address.

Contact Info

To select the Contact Info screen, click on the Contact Info tile.

A new section will display with the items in Contact Info.

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

Home Phone: The user’s home phone number

Work Phone: The user’s work phone number

Other Phone: A secondary phone if available

Mobile Phone: The user’s mobile cell phone, if available

Use Mobile Messaging: Select this option if the user desires to receive text messages via their mobile phone. Click the button graphic to toggle between On and Off.

Mailing Address

To select the Mailing Address screen, click on the Mailing Address tile.

A new section will display with the items in Mailing Address.

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

The address entered here should be the address of the Company location where the user is currently working. This information is used to send correspondence, statements, etc.

Country: Select the Company's country resides in using the drop-down menu, either the United States or Canada. This selection changes the display of some of the other entries noted below.

If United States:

Line 1: Street Address of the Company

Line 2: Secondary street address, if necessary

City: The city of the Company’s location

Mailing & Billing are the same: If the mailing and billing address are the same, set the toggle to On. The mailing information entered on this screen will be copied to the Billing Address screen.

If Canada:

Line 1: Street Address of the Company

Line 2: Secondary street address, if necessary

City: The city of the Company’s location

Province: Select the Canadian province the Company resides in from the drop-down menu selection.

Postal Code: The Canadian postal code the Company resides in.

Billing Address

To select the Billing Address screen, click on the Billing Address tile.

A new section will display the items in Billing Address.

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

If the toggle is On for Mailing & Billing Address are the same, when you click Done, if your Mailing Address changed, the Billing Address changes too. If you click on Billing Address before clicking Done, it will show the old billing address.

Line 1, Line 2, City, State, and ZIP Code (for US) or Province and Postal Code (for Canada): The Company address to send billings to.

The address entered here should be the location's address to which billables, statements, etc., should be sent.

When changing the Billing Address, the Mailing & Billing are the same option needs to be set to Off.

When all items have been entered or edited in the Personal Information screens, the user must click Done for the changes to take effect.

A confirmation message will display, and the changes have been saved.

Navigating away from the Personal Information screens before clicking Done will cancel any changes that have been made.

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