My Dashboard > My Profile > Change Password

Role Access: ALL

Allows the user to change the password used for accessing their PostalWeb site.

  • Clicking on Change Password will bring you to the Change Password page.

    An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

  • Current Password: Enter the current password assigned to this account.

  • New Password: Create and enter a password of your choosing. The password must be:

    • At least 7 characters long.

    • Must contain a "special character" (i.e. ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | - = \ [ ] { } ; ' : , . < > / ?).

    • As the new password is entered, a Password Strength meter will be displayed and show the approximate strength of the password.

  • Confirm Password: The password entered here must match precisely the password entered in the New Password field.

  • When finished, click Done to implement the new password. A confirmation message will display.

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