Mail Owner > Locations
Once your PostalOne! credentials are entered, provisioning and MOSync has occurred in PostalWeb Connector (PWC), you will see the MIDs and Permits linked to your CRID or CRIDs. If you have another facility, this is where you would add it. However, if you have all your locations linked to one PostalOne! credentials, these locations will appear after the credentials are entered, the site is provisioned, and MOSync is performed.
From the Mail Owner menu, select Locations to open the Locations page.
An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:
Add Location: PostalOne! has tried to link all CRIDs under a parent, so you may not need to add any locations.
Edit: The Location Name can be changed, but the other information cannot be revised on the location page.
MIDs and Permits: These will appear if linked to the PostalOne! User ID and Password (PostalOne! credentials) are entered below
User ID, Password, Confirm Password: This is where you enter your BCG PostalOne! User ID and Password. Please enter the password again in Confirm Password to ensure it was not mistyped. The PostalOne! credentials entered here must be the same credentials used in PWC.
Batch Download Interval (hours): This is how often USPS reports will be posted to your PWN Site. This field can be set to a value between 4 and 24 hours.
Apply: For any information updated to be saved, click Apply.
No updates are saved if you navigate away from the Locations page without clicking Apply.
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