EDocs Menu > Statistics

Role Access: ALL

The Statistics page displays totals for a user-defined period for a particular location (or all locations). The results can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet.

The jobs compiled for the Statistics display are based on filter criteria that the user specifies. Click Show to view the available filters.

Start Date: The first date to be included in the statistics display.

End Date: The last date to be included in the statistics display.

Location: The single location to use to gather the statistics from, or ‘All’ locations.

The ‘Location’ selection will not be displayed when the user is only assigned a single location.

Users assigned. Administrator roles will always be able to select any or all locations.

After the Start Date, End Date, or Location settings are changed, Refresh must be clicked to update the displayed statistics. Refresh will turn blue when the displayed data is stale, and Refresh needs to be clicked.

The data displayed on the Statistics screen is separated into two sections: Statistics and Deliveries.

From: This is the starting date to gather the statistics from (inclusive).

Thru: This is the ending date to gather the statistics (inclusive).

Location: The Location to use (a single location or all locations).

Total Jobs: This is the total number of jobs included.

Total Pay Files: The total number of files that included postage.

Total Pieces: The total number of pieces included in the statistics.

Total Postage: This is the postage amount for the period and location(s) specified.

Total UPD Statements: The total number of UPD (USPS Processing Due) statements for the period and location(s) specified.

Total Finalized Statements: The total number of Finalized statements for the period and location(s) specified.

Total Canceled Statements: The total canceled statements for the period and location(s) specified.

Total Reversed Statements: The total reversed statements for the period and location(s) specified.

The Deliveries section displays the number of emails and file transfers delivered for the period and location specified for each statement and file type.

Export to Excel can save the statistics in an Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contents are the same as the data displayed on the Statistics page. In addition, this spreadsheet may help compile reports.

To export the statistics to an Excel spreadsheet, perform the following:

  • Set the Start Date, End Date, and Location settings as desired.

  • Click Refresh to ensure the data is updated to the current settings.

  • Click Export to Excel.

If you automatically save your files to a location, you will see the file at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, you will be prompted to save the file.

Below is an example of a spreadsheet generated from the Statistics screen shown above.

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