Updating Software

Installed Window Book software should always be kept current. You can download current software releases from the Downloads page on the Window Book website at: https://www.windowbook.com/Support/Downloads.

When updates to the software become available, a software update will have to be performed for each individual installation of the application ( server and workstations).

Running different software versions on installations that use the same SQL Server may cause performance issues and database errors, and in some cases, may cause the application to become inoperable.

To install the Enterprise Shipper (ES) software, perform the following:

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to the Enterprise Shipper Software Download page and download the software on the computers or server where ES needs updating.

  2. Close any open Window Book software application.

  3. On the computer or server, navigate to the downloaded installation file. Then right-click on the file and select Run as administrator.

  4. The installation wizard will begin the verification process.

  5. The installation wizard's welcome screen will display after the installation completes the verification process. Click Next to continue.

  6. When the Please exit all applications screen appears, select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement checkbox. Click Next to continue.

  7. The Chose the application folder screen will display. Click Next to continue.

  8. The Chose the Start Menu group screen will display. Click Next to continue.

  9. The Ready to update your system screen will display. Click Next to continue.

    The installation will run a series of SQL scripts and copy files to various directories, which, depending on the computer's speed, could take a few minutes to complete.

    Unlike the initial install, there will be no option to choose SQL Server. If there is no connection to the SQL Server, an error message will appear. The software installation will abort, re-establish a connection with the SQL Server and rerun the update.

  10. The installation wizard will continue. When finished, the Setup is complete screen will display. Click Finish to complete the software installation.

  11. After a few moments, the ES software will automatically launch.

As mentioned in the initial install of the software, ES will open in the Settings or Addresses screen if any required settings are not set. Therefore, refer to the relevant page in this Enterprise Shipper®(ES) - Setup Guide. Otherwise, it will open the Packages screen.

See also