
Current version of TrueAddress (TA) is required to use the steps documented in this Guide.

The installation of TA requires the installation of the product, the addition of the product registration key and .rsa file (SSH Key), and the transfer of CASS_Data and EWS (Early Warning System) data. Both the product registration key and .rsa file are provided by Window Book.

The Linux-compatible version of TA can be run/operated using command line tools or using Midnight Commander, a character-based directory browser and file manager that is installed by default in some Linux distributions, and is almost always available in every distribution's software repositories as the package "mc". This Guide provides instructions using command line tools.

For information about MC and how it works, refer to

The Linux installation of TA is provided in a .zip file that is available for downloading from the TA download page on Window Book’s website. The user who is to own TA and set the group if the group is to be shared by others should be the user who logs onto the system and performs the installation.

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