Step 3a - DAT-MAIL Installation Types

Now that Scheduler and PostalWeb Connector (PWC) are installed, you are ready to install DAT-MAIL. There are three types of installations.

Choose the Installation Type

There are three types of DAT-MAIL installations, depending on the environment:

  • Client Server: DAT-MAIL and MS SQL installation and operation are on a single server and accessed via workstations. We refer to this as a server-with-workstations environment.

  • Stand-alone: a single installation of DAT-MAIL and MS SQL where the computer it is being installed on acts as the server. There are no workstations with this type of installation.

  • Workstation: intended for the workstation installation in a server-with-workstations environment.

Suppose a Client is installing on a stand-alone. In that case, the installation requirements are simple. You must install all the software components (Prerequisites, Scheduler, PWC, and DAT-MAIL on this stand-alone, and you use a local drive for the installation paths.

The installation location and other requirements for a server-with-workstations environment differ slightly. For example, you only install Scheduler and PWC on the server. Then, however, you install the prerequisites and DAT-MAIL on the server and workstations. See DAT-MAIL - Server & Workstation Installation Reference Table for more information.

Continue Step 3b. DAT-MAIL - Installation Steps