Disclaimer: This document is intended for internal support use this guide at your own risk.

DAT-PreCheck(DPC) - Installation & Setup Guide

DAT-PreCheck consists of the utility itself, PostalWeb Connector (PWC), and the PostalWeb (PWN) service. To install, enable, and use these components requires the following steps:

  1. If you do not have a license for our three core products: Scheduler, PWC, and DAT-MAIL, you need to install PWC if you want DPC to run from PWC's service.

  2. If PWC is not installed, install the prerequisite software before installing PWC and DPC.

  3. Register/create your Company's PWN site, if not already created.

  4. Provision PWN in PWC. Instructions will be in the PostalWeb®(PWN) for Mail Service Providers (MSP) - Setup Guide.

  5. Install DPC after reviewing the software requirements (see Window Book Product Requirements Guide). Also, installation steps are different depending on whether you have installed PWC.

  6. Enable the DAT-PreCheck service for specific users in your Company's PWN site. You will contact Support after you create/register your Company's PWN site to add the service for your Company's site, and then your PWN site Administrator can add specific users to utilize the DAT-PreCheck service.

Continue Software Requirements