PostalWeb®(PWN) for Mail Service Providers (MSP) - Setup Guide


The purpose of this Guide is to provide information for registering (creating) an MSP-specific PWN site and completing its basic setup. For instructions on using a registered MSP's PWN site, please refer to the PostalWeb® for Mail Service Providers - User Guide.

Getting Started

PWN is a web-based application. Therefore, no software installation is necessary to register and use a Company-specific PostalWeb site. However, specific statement or document delivery services offered in PostalWeb require the installation and use of PostalWeb Connector (PWC).

Other Window Book software applications such as DAT-MAIL and PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard (PWDD) work with PostalWeb, either independently from one another or as a complete, comprehensive software system. Neither product is necessary for the registration and use of PostalWeb; however, their installation and use will simplify a Client's operations while increasing their productivity and cost savings.

Information Needed to Register

  • Need your location’s USPS-assigned CRID number available.

  • Must have an active PostalOne! account and PostalOne! logon credentials available to receive USPS-generated statements and other documents.

    We recommend using the same PostalOne! log on credentials used in PWC and that this logon is used only for Window Book products to avoid conflicts.

Installation Scenarios

While you may also have these products - DAT-MAIL, DAT-PreCheck (DPC), and PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard (PWDD), we will focus on installing PWC and registering/creating your PWN site in this Guide.

For mailers currently using DPC as a stand-alone, we included how to provision PWN in DPC.

For mailers using both PWC and DPC, you only need to provision in PWC.

Guide Layout

Detailed information and instructions for each step will be provided:

Step 1 - Site Registration

Step 2 - Install PostalWeb Connector (PWC) (If not already installed)

Step 3 - Log in to PWN (First Time)

Step 4 - Provision Your PWN Site in PWC Or Step 4 - Provision Your PWN Site in DAT-PreCheck (DPC)