Enable the Service

The DPC service must be turned on or enabled in PostalWeb (PWN) to enable the capability to send/receive the service’s email notifications. These email notifications include a PDF report that PWN generates after it checks the data in the Mail.dat sent by the DPC against the data located in the PW database. Therefore, if the service is not enabled, the email notifications with the necessary reports will not be sent.

Contact Support to enable the DPC service.

Once Support enables the service within PWN, an Administrator can selectively allow delivery of the email notifications with attached reports to individuals within their Company.

Once the service is enabled, an Administrator can selectively enable the delivery of the DAT-PreCheck email notifications with attached reports to individual users (refer to PWN for MSP - Manage Users).

To assist with ensuring the successful receipt of email notifications from PostalWeb, follow the guidelines outlined on our “White List Help” web page: https://www.windowbook.com/Home/White-List-Help.

See also