Disclaimer: This document is intended for internal support use this guide at your own risk.

PostalWeb Connector(PWC) - Setup Guide

PWC is intended to run on a server, so covering all aspects of this product within the setup guide makes sense. However, before going into setup, here is an introduction to PWC features and advantages. PWC includes complete MDR Client hosting, allowing for much faster submissions to PostalOne!. Additional benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Being able to process/upload multiple Mail.dat files simultaneously and for one or multiple MDR Client sites.

  • No manual installation of the MDR Client is necessary. Instead, PWC installs the MDR Client automatically during creating an MDR Client site (PROD, TEM, PROD, and PREPROD) and automatically updates when there is a new MDR Client.

  • You do not need to adjust the memory allocation for the MDR Client manually. This allocation is done automatically by PWC

  • Being able to edit the ‘mdrsettings.conf’ without having to launch/access the MDR Client.

  • Provisioning a Client’s Company-specific PostalWeb (PWN) site establishes communication between the PWC and PostalOne!. This is especially important for those Clients who wish to use the PostalOne Customer Data feature in DAT-MAIL.

  • You can set up transfer locations on the server to deliver XML and PDF statement files in conjunction with PWN, including creating a customizable folder and file names for the statements.

  • Easy to set up and manage notifications for system status, job status by MDR Client site, MDR Client status, etc., including how often notifications should be sent.

  • You can manage disk space and performance through file cleanup capabilities within PWC.

  • You can communicate with Window Book by creating a support ticket right from within any screen in the software.

The setup will have to match PWC and DAT-MAIL, so have both programs open while completing setup.

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