Disclaimer: This document is intended for internal support use this guide at your own risk.

DAT-MAIL- Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting (MCTM) - Setup Guide


The purpose of this Guide is to provide setup instructions to utilize DAT-MAIL's MCTM. For an introduction to MCTM and use instructions, see the Logistics > Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting.

DAT-MAIL Editor users can view their pallet list, including access to limited MCTM functions, without a product registration key that includes MCTM. See for more information.

MCTM - Requirements

General Requirements

  • The current version of DAT-MAIL software is required for using the features documented in this Guide:

    • MCTM is automatically included with DAT-MAIL Toolbox.

    • A product registration code that includes the MCTM feature is required for DAT-MAIL Editor users.

  • Mail.dat files must be palletized since the scheduling of loose handling units such as trays and sacks are not accommodated. Clients with DAT-MAIL Toolbox have access to Window Book’s Palletization Module to create pallets for non-palletized mailings. Clients with DAT-MAIL Editor must purchase the optional Palletization Module to create pallets for non-palletized mailings or upgrade to DAT-MAIL Toolbox.

LSC DropShip/Copal Requirements

In addition to the General Requirements documented above, the following is required to use the LSC DropShip/Copal function in DAT-MAIL:

  • DIME user ID, site ID, and password for communication between DAT-MAIL and LSC’s DIME system. Contact your LSC representative to obtain these credentials before the LSC DropShip/Copal function setup in DAT-MAIL.

  • Sibling containers are not supported.

LSC OnePrice Requirements

In addition to the general requirements documented above, the following are also required to be able to use the LSC OnePrice function in DAT-MAIL:

  • Mail.dat files – Marketing Mail Letters can only be on physical pallets (no logical containers).

  • All trays must be on pallets, or the Courtesy by Entry Point palletization option will be called to put them on courtesy pallets.

  • Sibling containers are not supported.

  • SFTP credentials – Contact your LSC representative for the proper SFTP credentials before setting up the LSC OnePrice function in DAT-MAIL.

  • Editing restrictions – Cannot make changes or open the Mail.dat once it is uploaded to LSC. Additionally, when the Mail.dat is returned, entry points and pallet types (commingle, dropship or copal) cannot be changed (or anything that would impact postage payment amounts)! DAT-MAIL does assist with the enforcement of these restrictions.

    DAT-MAIL users should never attempt to unlock jobs that are locked due to LSC OnePrice processing, nor should users attempt to override DAT-MAIL protected fields for jobs that have been returned from LSC after OnePrice processing is complete.

  • If re-assigning pallet or tray barcodes, this must be done at import time.

ALG Requirements

In addition to the General Requirements documented above, the following is also required to use the ALG-related functionality in DAT-MAIL:

  • SFTP Credentials - ALG SFTP site ID and login and password information for sending Mail.dat files and also to send manifests in XML format to ALG from within DAT-MAIL. Contact your ALG representative to obtain these credentials before setting them up as a carrier in DAT-MAIL.

King Requirements

In addition to the General Requirements documented above, the following is also required to use the King-related functionality in DAT-MAIL:

  • SFTP Credentials - King's SFTP site ID and login and password information for sending Mail.dat files to King from within DAT-MAIL. Contact your King representative to obtain these credentials before setting them up as a carrier in DAT-MAIL.

  • Sibling containers are not supported.

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