Getting Started

The Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting function is an option located under the DAT-MAIL Logistics menu. The Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting (MCTM) option is available to all Toolbox users and Editor users that contain the necessary registration key.

The functions or options available via the Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting menu are dependent on the carrier being used. Therefore, DAT-MAIL supports carrier-specific APIs that allow the MCTM function to communicate directly with these carriers (ALG, King, or LSC). For any other carrier, we support SFTP.

Example: Generic Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting menu

Suppose LSC, ALG, or King is being used. In that case, additional setup is required in DAT-MAIL for those carrier-related functions to be accessible via the Mulit-Carrier Trailer Manifesting menu. And if LSC is the carrier of choice, users have two options: LSC DropShip/Copal (referred to as DIME); and LSC OnePrice.

DAT-MAIL’s MCTM function currently includes the multi-job DIME feature options. We no longer support DIME Legacy (single job).

Which menu options display in the non-generic Mulit-Carrier Trailer Manifesting menu (images below) rely on completing the setup parameters found in DAT-MAIL.


ALG & King Logistics Users Only

LSC DropShip/Copal, ALG, & King Logistics Users

LSC DropShip/Copal, OnePrice, ALG, King Logistics Users

Continue Add a Generic Carrier