Keeping Software Current

The individual software components that make up the different PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard (PWDD) software solutions should be kept current at all times. You can download current software releases from the Downloads page on the Window Book web site at:

It is important to note that you should update both PostalWeb Connector (PWC) and PWDD simultaneously, updating PWC first and PWDD second. Never update one without updating the other!

Perform Individual software updates in the same order as the original software installation sequence instructions. Refer to the Component Installation Sequence for guidance.

Updating PWC and PWDD

Suppose you are using DAT-MAIL if there is an update of both DAT-MAIL and PWDD. The DAT-MAIL installer includes an option to update PWDD.

PWC: No manual un-install of an existing instance of PWC is necessary before downloading and installing an updated version. During the update process, the interactive InstallAware Wizard automatically un-installs the current software. However, it is essential to launch PWC, stop the service, and close PWC before downloading and installing the updated version.

Once the installation/update of the PWC is complete, the service must be started for a few seconds (at most), then stopped before beginning the installation/update of the PWDD.

PWDD: No un-install of an existing PWDD software instance is necessary before downloading and installing an updated version. During the update process, the interactive InstallAware Wizard automatically un-installs the current installation.

The download and installation of PWC and PWDD software updates perform in the same manner as the initial installation of the software, except for having to register the product. All existing configurations and settings will carry over to the updated versions, including the license keys. Only if the updated software contains new functionality visible to the user will additional setup and configuration steps be necessary after the installation is complete. Other documentation will be available in What's New if different setup and/or configuration steps are required.

See also