Step 3: Company Lookup
Enter the information required to find the MO’s Company:
Below the print screen is an explanation:
Company Name: Enter the Company name as it appears on the MO’s postage statements. The spelling and punctuation used must strictly match for the Company to be found when the MO performs a look-up.
Most Recent PSID: Enter the Postage Statement ID number found on a recent statement.
CRID: Enter the MO’s CRID (not the mail service provider’s CRID).
Country: Select the MO's country, United States or Canada.
United States: If the country selected earlier is the United States, the following fields are displayed:
Zip Code: Enter the base 5-digit ZIP Code.
Zip+4: If known, enter the extended 4-digits of the ZIP Code.
Canada: If the country selected earlier is Canada, the following field is displayed:
Postal Code: Enter your Canadian postal code.
The Business Customer Gateway link provided on the screen can obtain the information requested and subsequent screens.
After the entries are completed, click
Look UP Company and then Next.
If a match is found for the Company, a Success confirmation will display.
If a match for the Company is not found, a Warning message will display. Double-check your information and if everything is okay, click Next. This message means that PWN has not received a postage statement, but this will push to find your Company.
Continue Step 4: Company Info