Step 3: Company Lookup

  • Enter the information required to find the MO’s Company:

    Below the print screen is an explanation:

  • Company Name: Enter the Company name as it appears on the MO’s postage statements. The spelling and punctuation used must strictly match for the Company to be found when the MO performs a look-up.

  • Most Recent PSID: Enter the Postage Statement ID number found on a recent statement.

  • CRID: Enter the MO’s CRID (not the mail service provider’s CRID).

  • Country: Select the MO's country, United States or Canada.

  • United States: If the country selected earlier is the United States, the following fields are displayed:

  • Zip Code: Enter the base 5-digit ZIP Code.

  • Zip+4: If known, enter the extended 4-digits of the ZIP Code.

  • Canada: If the country selected earlier is Canada, the following field is displayed:

  • Postal Code: Enter your Canadian postal code.

    The Business Customer Gateway link provided on the screen can obtain the information requested and subsequent screens.

  • After the entries are completed, click Look UP Company and then Next.

    • If a match is found for the Company, a Success confirmation will display.

    • If a match for the Company is not found, a Warning message will display. Double-check your information and if everything is okay, click Next. This message means that PWN has not received a postage statement, but this will push to find your Company.

Continue Step 4: Company Info