Shipper > Shipper Info - Adding a Company Logo

Only users with an ‘Administrator’ role can add a Company logo.

A Company logo can be added to a PWN site for branding purposes. This logo will display on the site and will be added to all correspondence generated from the site.

  • To add a Company logo (if not already in the Shipper Information section), select Shipper > Shipper Info.

  • From the Shipper Information screen, click Select Logo.

  • A File Explorer screen will display. Navigate to and select the desired file to use. When the file is selected, click Open to close the File Explorer screen.

    Supported file types include: .png; .jpg; .jpeg; .gif; and .bmp.

  • PWN will upload the file, automatically resize, and display it. Click Done to save the selection. In addition, the Company logo will display in the upper right corner of each PWN site page.

    Navigating away from the Shipper Information page without clicking Done will cancel any changes made.

  • The Success dialog will appear, letting you know your information has been updated.

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