Additional Services

After you have registered /created your Company's PWN site, contact our Support Team (see Contact Us) and let them know what services to add. If modifications are made to your subscribed services, there may be a change in the pricing for those services. For information regarding price changes in your subscribed services, please contact Client Services (see Contact Us).

You can confirm what services are available on your Company's PWN site by clicking on the question mark button and selecting the Additional Services tile. When services have been added, you will see the On/Off toggle in Blue, indicating it is On.

FIN Statement PDF

3607 Receipt PDF via Email: Get PostalOne! 3607 receipt via a PDF delivered to your email inbox after the mailing has been finalized in PostalOne!.

3607 Receipt PDF via Transfer: Get the PostalOne! 3607 receipt transferred to your server after the mailing has been finalized in PostalOne! in PDF Format.

Finalized Postal Wizard Statement in PDF via Email: Get PostalOne! USPS Finalized Postal Wizard Statements delivered to your inbox after the statement is finalized in PostalOne! in PDF Format. The PDF is the postage statement from the USPS Gateway Dashboard for Proof of Mailing.

CSR Feature- Finalized Postage Statement PDF via Transfer: Get PostalOne! USPS Finalized Postage Statements Transferred Direct to your network after the statement is finalized in PostalOne! in PDF Format. This statement is transferred directly to the responsible CSR as soon as the statement is finalized. The PDF is the postage statement from the USPS Gateway Dashboard for Proof of Mailing.

CSR Feature-Finalized Postage Statement PDF via E-Mail: CSR Service Option for E-Mailing Statements to CSRs in lieu of CSR Transfer.

HTML FIN Postage Statement via Email: This HTML Postage Statement is the PostalOne! "Dashboard" formatted statement you see on the dashboard. It will be sent to your email inbox as soon as the mailing is finalized in PostalOne!

HTML FIN Postage Statement via Transfer: This HTML Postage Statement is the PostalOne! "Dashboard" formatted statement you see on the dashboard. It will be transferred to your server as soon as the mailing is finalized in PostalOne!

Finalized Postage Statement PDF via Email: Get PostalOne! USPS Finalized Postage Statements delivered to your inbox after the statement is finalized in PostalOne! in PDF Format. The PDF is the postage statement from the USPS Gateway Dashboard for Proof of Mailing.

Finalized Postage Statement PDF via Transfer: Get PostalOne! USPS Finalized Postage Statements Transferred Direct to your network after the statement is finalized in PostalOne! in PDF Format. The PDF is the postage statement from the USPS Gateway Dashboard for Proof of Mailing.

FIN Statement Data XML

Finalized Postal Wizard Statement in XML via Email: Get PostalOne! USPS Finalized Postal Wizard Statements delivered to your inbox after the statement is finalized in PostalOne! in XML Format. The XML Format will have information from the PDF Postage Statement that can be used for feeding other systems/programs in your Company.

Finalized Postage Statement XML via Email: Get PostalOne! USPS Finalized Postage Statements delivered to your inbox after the statement is finalized in PostalOne! in XML Format. The XML Format will have information from the PDF Postage Statement that can be used for feeding other systems/programs in your Company.

Finalized Postage Statement XML via Transfer: Get PostalOne! USPS Finalized Postage Statements Transferred Direct to your network after the statement is finalized in PostalOne! in XML Format. The XML Format will have information from the PDF Postage Statement that can be used for feeding other systems/programs in your Company.

UPD Documents PDF

USPS Processing Due Documents PDF via Email: Get PostalOne! Postage Processing Due Statements delivered to your inbox after the statement is generated in PostalOne! in PDF Format. You will receive these documents when the statement has been generated in PostalOne! - 1. USPS Postage Statement before the USPS has finalized it 2. USPS Confirmation Page 3. USPS Register Page.

USPS Processing Due Documents PDF via Transfer: Get PostalOne! Postage Processing Due Statements Transferred Direct to your network after the statement is finalized in PostalOne! in PDF Format. You will receive these documents when the statement has been generated in PostalOne! - 1. USPS Postage Statement before the USPS has finalized it 2. USPS Confirmation Page 3. USPS Register Page.

3rd Party

Bell & Howell Forensic Server Service: Make it possible for the Bell & Howell Forensic Server to more accurately confirm or challenge USPS assessments for undocumented pieces and potentially other threshold violations.

Midnight Finalized Postage Statement Transfer: Send your PostalOne! postage statements data to Midnight.


DAT-PreCheck: Get Your By/For and NPA Validation Report.

e-VS Postage Statement PDF via Email: Get PostalOne! USPS e-VS Postage Statements delivered to your inbox or transferred to your network after the statement is finalized in PostalOne! in PDF Format. The PDF is the postage statement from the Gateway Dashboard for Proof of Mailing.

Qualification Report via Transfer: The Qualification Report contains tray numbers, package types, 5-Digit ZIP Codes, 3-Digit ZIP Codes and totals for each classification. The report is transferred in PDF format.

EDOCS Reporting: Your USPS Postage Statement Reporting solution starts here with PostalWeb.Net® Reporting.

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