Step 1 - Site Registration - User Information

On the User Information page, fill in the user information and enter any required information. Once the User Information portion of the MSP Registration screen has been completed, click Next .

Below the print screen is an explanation:

  • User Name: To be used to log onto the newly-created PWN site. The User Name must be at least 7 characters long, can include letters and numbers, and is not case sensitive.The User Name cannot include spaces or any special characters (i.e. ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | - = \ [ ] { } ; ' : , . < > / ?).

  • First Name and Last Name: Your name is used for general correspondence.

  • Email: Must be a valid email address for your Company, do not use a Gmail, Yahoo, etc., email account. Email is used for various communications purposes, including the confirmation email to validate the address during the site's registration, system notifications, and access to the PWN site.

  • Password and Confirm password: Create and enter a password of your choosing. The password must be at least 7 characters long and must contain a special character (i.e. ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | - = \ [ ] { } ; ' : , . < > / ?). The password is case-sensitive.

  • Security Question, Answer, and Confirm Answer: The Security Question is used to confirm identity when a request is made to reset a password or be reminded of the User Name. The Confirm Answer entry must match the Answer exactly, including upper and lower case.

  • Mobile Phone and Use Mobile Phone to send Confirmation Code? checkbox: If preferred to receive a text on a mobile phone to complete registration rather than receiving an email, enter a valid mobile phone number. Select the Use Mobile Phone to send Confirmation code? checkbox to enable the option. A confirmation code will be sent to this mobile number in a text message after completing the web registration forms if the option is enabled. The registrant must enter the received code on the relevant confirmation page to complete registration.

    The mobile phone must accept text messages from the Window Book phone number shown in the Note on the screen. Therefore, adding this number to the phone's contact list may be necessary to ensure the text message is received.

  • Terms & Conditions Notice: Read the Terms & Conditions and scroll to the bottom of the Terms & Conditions window to activate the I Agree to the terms and conditions checkbox.

  • Agreement to the Terms and Conditions checkbox: The I Agree to the terms and conditions checkbox must be selected before proceeding to the next step of registration. The checkbox is not selectable until the registrant has scrolled to the bottom of the Terms & Conditions declaration (see Terms & Conditions Notice above).

The User Name, Password, E-mail address, Security Question, and Answer should be recorded and saved in a secure location. In addition, it is recommended that these credentials be stored with a responsible person (such as a Company officer) to avoid disruption if the original registrant is not available.

Continue Step 1 - Site Registration - MSP Lookup