Advanced Navigator - Job Information

There is so much information about the job on the Advanced Navigator screen to help you know whether you need to modify the job. Let us start at the job information colored banner. Then, as we talk about how you can edit a job, we will also discuss how there is more detail in the gray area of the navigator.

Job Information Banner

As you make changes to your job, you will see this banner change.

Many mailers will export all their PostalOne! files using the Historical Job ID since this can be changed.

The information below and additional detail is provided in the Mail.dat DTAC Database Standard, Version To see the current or previous specification, use this link

JOB ID: DAT-MAIL uses a system-generated number for the Job ID. The Mail.dat field code is HDR-1001.

Job Number: The Mail.dat field code is HDR-1102, and the field is called Licensed User's Job Number.

Job Name: The Mail.dat field code is HDR-1103, and the field is called Job Name/Title & Issue.

Historical Job ID: The Mail.dat field code is HDR-1153, and the field is called Historical Job ID.

Presentation Category: The Mail.dat field code is HDR-1154 and the field is called Presentation Category.

What Service Indicator is Set? - Basic/Other, Mixed Full Service, or Full Service: What shows here comes from the Segment, and in the image above is Mixed. The Mail.dat field is from the Segment record, field code SEG-1146, and is called Full-Service Participation Indicator.

The field will turn red if there is a discrepancy between what is in the SEG and what is in the CQT Service Level Indicator field.

Mail Class & Category: The example above is a Marketing Mail Letter job (Standard Letter). The field codes are SEG-1102 and SEG-1103. They are referred to in the Mail.dat as Class Defining Preparation and Principal Processing Category. They are also defined elsewhere in the Mail.dat, and we will discuss those when we get to the Other Mail.dat Files floating tab.

Status: This status field reflects where you are in the process of submitting to PostalOne! If a ready to pay (pay postage) has not been sent, the status will be Open. If a portion of the job is submitted to PostalOne! for payment, it will show Released.

Total Pieces: The original number of pieces in the job.

PostalOne! Pieces Mailed: When you start submitting to PostalOne! this count will increase to reflect the total pieces mailed (paid).

PostalOne! Pieces Paid: This shows the percentage of pieces that have been mailed.

Pieces Spoiled: If you are using our spoilage module, this will reflect the number of pieces spoiled or shorted.

Remaining: The number of pieces that have yet to be submitted to PostalOne! for payment.

Continue Advanced Navigator - Edit Mailing Date