PDR View - Option Buttons
An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:
Piece ID and Piece Barcode Tabs: These two tabs, image above, are available to view the records in that order, so if you click on Piece Barcode, it will sort in barcode order.
Copy to all: It would allow you to change the MID in IMb is Move Update Supplier from No to Yes and vice versa for all records.
Change: Highlighting a PDR and clicking Change opens the Changing Single Piece Information window. Fields can be modified with either the Browse or a drop-down list to select a value. Also, some fields can be manually entered. There is a drop-down list to select a value for the Wasted or Shortage Piece field. However, you do not need to go into the record to make the change. Instead, utilize Mark piece as spoiled to mark pieces as spoiled. First, select the pieces and then click