Planalyzer - Why Use?

  • It improves the delivery of mail.

  • Commingling does not always provide the most postal savings, unless there is no 5-digit. Also, you’re on their schedule for production.

  • Minimize shipping costs.

  • Presorts can qualify mail to drop ship, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s cost effective.

  • Avoid losing business.

  • There are mail owners who expect the most postage savings possible and will move their mail to other mail providers, if they do not get it.

  • It allows users to change entry points for Marketing, Package Services and Periodical mail on the fly.

  • Using freight costs, freight minimums and fuel surcharge to determine the most cost-effective destinations. If there is no savings, it will not go to a destination. And it can do the opposite, if you have a mail owner who wants the mail there “yesterday”, then it allows you to get it as close as possible to the destination based on your needs.

  • Allows you to set delivery days for each destination and Planalyzer will auto calculate mailing dates and/or in-home dates for you.

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