Advanced Navigator - Palletization - Pallet Tracking Database

The Pallet Tracking Database can be updated with the pallet information using the following:

  • Existing pallets in your Mail.dat files.

  • Pallets created from DAT-MAIL’s Palletization Module.

  • Using the Mother Pallet view to create pallets manually.

Most changes made in the Mail.dat are automatically updated to the related pallet records.

The pallet database currently serves two production purposes:

  • It allows mailers to view pallets for a given ship date by entry point across multiple jobs and versions. Second, it eliminates the need to merge Mail.dat files or generate statements in advance. The database can be of great importance in evaluating drop ship opportunities, requesting quotes, or writing up purchase orders for freight charges.

  • It provides data across all jobs to the Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting (MCTM) program Window Book offers its Toolbox Clients. This feature will allow mailers to plan trailers and stops or just record trailer and stop information, and they can then pass that information back to the Mail.dat files to generate statements and 8125s for each trailer.


To set up the Pallet Tracking Database, perform the following:

  1. From DAT-MAIL’s main screen, select File > Program Settings > Program Setup. The Setup screen will display.

  2. Select the Pallet Tracking/Intelligent Mail tab.

  3. Select the Enable Pallet Tracking checkbox. The Generate Unique ID’s for Pallets checkbox will be automatically checked for you.

  4. Also, select Participate in Intelligent Mail Barcodes. This will ensure that when you create new pallets, add sibling pallets, or split pallets, the new pallets have Intelligent Mail barcodes.

    If you plan to track undocumented or scan piece barcodes to confirm you have the correct Mail.dat, select Register IM Piece barcodes.

  5. In the Setup screen, select the Mailer Information tab. You need to enter a MID that is only used in DAT-MAIL to avoid duplicating Intelligent Mail Container Barcodes from your presort. Also, make sure your Mail.dat User License Code is entered (this is the first four characters of the User Container ID for each pallet so that it is unique across all mailers.


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