Logistics Menu

From the Logistics menu, you can access three features:

Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting (MCTM)

From MCTM, you can send carriers Mail.dats via SFTP so they can help optimize entry points and plan when to ship your mail. Via XML messaging sent via SFTP, you can order trucks, create manifests with pallet information, and dispatch trucks.


There is file maintenance within the Logistics menu, such as inserting, changing, or deleting scan locations, location categories, and report groups. Also, you can generate a location/picking report from this menu. However, we will cover file maintenance from within wbSCAN versus in DAT-MAIL. The concept is the same whether being done in DAT-MAIL or wbSCAN. The tables are within DAT-MAIL and are can be accessed by wbSCAN. We will cover the location/picking report in MCTM. wbSCAN settings will be covered with you when Professional Services assists with the install.

wbSCAN is a new browser-based application that gets installed on your DAT-MAIL server (static IP address required). It is a lightweight web server that interacts with your DAT-MAIL and MCTM data in real-time. wbSCAN supports a variety of popular handheld, table, and desktop devices, making it easy for people to use right on their shop floor. For example, you can track pallets through the production process, racks, and finally, shipping the product. Or you can activate (scan) pallets when ready to be shipped and then add them to manifests (trailers orders with carriers), create Bill of Ladings, and scan the pallets as you load to confirm they are going on the correct truck. We provide different ways to set up the process, whichever fits best with your process.

Truck Direct Mail (TDM)

Have LTL shipments that you want to receive quotes? TDM is a feature where our partner Direct Logistics, Inc., will receive shipping information from DAT-MAIL and return pricing. After receiving the quote, you can access their site to create a shipment. Your quote and load information are already on their site. In addition, the TDM pooled quote feature lets you submit multiple jobs simultaneously to make the process faster.

Main Menu of DAT-MAIL - Logistics Menu

Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting - Logistics > Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting

wbSCAN - set up by Professional Services, see DAT-MAIL™- wbSCAN™ - User Guide for additional information.

TDM Pooled Quotes - Transportation View - TDM®- Setup & Use and TDM - Pooled Quotes

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