Assign Pallets to Manifests - Assign CFID

The Assign CFID button is used for assigning a Carrier and Consolidation Facility to the selected pallets.

  • In the Browse Pallet Database select the desired pallets from the list and click Assign CFID.

  • The Select Carrier and Consolidation Facility screen will display. Using the corresponding Browse, select a Carrier and a Facility associated with the selected pallets. Click OK when finished.

    Warning messages will display if a user attempts to assign a Carrier and Consolidation Facility to a pallet that meets any of the following:

    • The pallets have already been added to a manifest.

    • The pallets are assigned an LSC Carrier and Origin as the Trailer Type.

    • The pallets are assigned an LSC OnePrice Carrier and Commingle as the Trailer Type, and the user attempts to change the consolidation facility.

  • The Browse Pallet Database screen will update, and the corresponding fields will update for the tagged pallet (based on the example used here):

    • CFName contains a value of “ALG Chicago.”

    • Carrier contains a value of “ALG.”

Continue Assign Pallets to Manifests - Dates/Orders