Assign Pallets to Manifests - Update Gross Weight

Updating gross weight can be done before or after adding to a manifest. In addition, if you are using wbSCAN, you can also update the gross weight in wbSCAN(go to Scan > Update Pallets Weight).

  • The gross weight of regular, mother, and sibling pallets can be changed by highlighting (not tagging) the pallet and clicking Update Gross Weight.

    Gross weight can only be changed one pallet at a time.

  • Next, the Update Pallet Weight screen will display. The highlighted pallet's Unique Container ID, whether the pallet is a Sibling, how many Pieces are on the pallet, how many Copies exist, the current Mail Weight, and Gross Weight are provided.

  • Enter the desired gross weight into the New Gross Weight field to update the gross weight. When the new weight is entered, the system calculates the Gross Weight Variance. Then, click OK to close the screen and apply the new gross weight.

  • The updated weight will display in the Browse Pallet Database screen, and a value of Update Gross Weight will display in the Action field. You are done.

    When the Gross Weight is updated in Multi-Carrier Trailer Manifesting, the Mail.dat is changed when the pallet is not a sibling. If the pallet is a sibling, the Mail.dat will not be changed.

    In addition, the new Gross Weight is considered a "fixed" value and will only be re-calculated by the system if the count of child containers is changed.

Continue Assign Pallets to Manifests - Track Pallets