Assign Pallets to Manifests - Track Pallets
The Track Pallets button lets you see the progress of a job or jobs. Also, you can see if orders have been created to ship the pallets with a specific carrier. When the pallets are on a manifest, you will see the manifest number. Likewise, when the pallets are on a manifest, you can see whether the trucks have been dispatched. If you are using wbSCAN, you can also see where the pallets are in the production process. For example, if pallets are located on racks.
In the Browse Pallets Database screen, users can track pallets based on the pallet’s corresponding job by selecting any pallet for a job, and you can select more than one job. In this example, both jobs can be reviewed by selecting a pallet from two different jobs. After selecting the jobs, we click Track Pallets.
The Select Job to Track screen will display. All jobs associated with the pallets selected on the Browse Pallets Database screen will be listed. Highlight a specific job to track pallet information for and click Select.
The Track Pallets screen will display pallet detail for the selected job.
Below the print screen is an explanation:
This pane is summary information about the job with the most relevant information at the beginning. For example, you can immediately see how many pallets are in the job and how many have shipped. For jobs with trays or sacks, it will show the total in the SubContainers field.
The following columns are for LSC only - # w/PostageRlsd, USPS Due Date(s), and Content Title.
If not all the pallets for the selected job have shipped, a visual notification will display on the screen.
This pallet list information can be sorted by selecting one of three corresponding tabs: Pallet Info (Pallet ID), By Due Date (descending), and By Postage Pmt Date (Postage Statement Mailing Date).
The job's pallets are displayed with the following fields:
Virtual (Y or N) - if it shows as Y, pallets have been scanned to a rack or assigned to a manifest. Due Date- date it should be shipped. Active (Y or N) - if it shows Y, it indicates a pallet has been scanned to a rack location or assigned to a manifest. Pieces Shipped (Y or N) - if it shows as Y, the mail has been dispatched. Containers - if there are trays or sacks, this column will be populated Released (Y or N) - related to DIME DSMS whether the USPS clerk has released the pallets Mail Wt- Mail Weight Pallet ID - Display Container ID Gross Wt - Gross Weight Container ID - Unique Container ID now referred to in Mail.dat Specification as User Container ID Postage Pmt Date- Postage Statement Mailing Date
Rack - if on a rack which rack Postage Release Date: DIME DSMS release date Manifest - Manifest ID Postage Release Time:DIME DSMS release time CFName - Consolidation Facility Name If the pallet list is empty when a job is selected (there is no pallet information), make sure to deselect the
Only display “Ready” pallets option. And to omit any origin pallets from displaying in the list, select the
Hide Origin Pallets option.
What pallets are displayed can also be controlled by selecting one of the options at the bottom of the screen (Show all pallets, Show Only Active Pallets, Show Only Un-Shipped Pallets, and Show Only Un-Released Pallets).
To make sure the pallet list being viewed is current, click Refresh pallet list.
Once you close the Track Pallet screen, you will be returned to the Select Job to Track window, where you can select another job in the list or close the window to return to the Browse Pallet Database screen.
Continue Assign Pallets to Manifests - Check Pallet Status (LSC Only) or Skip to Assign Pallets to Manifests - Reports & Utilities - Trailer Pallet Report