View/Dispatch Manifests - Export

The Export button is available to export a CSV file of the pallets on a manifest. We will walk through the steps to export and then provide a list of the exported fields.

Export is also accessible by clicking Select Manifest from the Browse Pallet Database screen.

This same function (export to a CSV file) is also available by selecting the Reports and Exports on the MCTM menu and then Trailer Exports.
  • When View/Dispatch Manifests in the MCTM menu is clicked, the Manage Manifests screen will display.

  • To export the information for an individual manifest to a CSV file, highlight the manifest and click Export.

  • A Warning! dialog will display confirming the export of the selected manifest information to CSV. Click Yes to close the dialog and continue with the export process.

  • A Browse for Folder screen will display. Select a folder on the computer or server where DAT-MAIL should save the CSV file and click OK.


  • An Export Message will display confirming the export occurred while providing the name of the export file. The saved file will appear in the location selected. The file name format will be “Manifest_[YYYYMMDD]_[HHMMSS].csv.”

The CSV file will not contain a header row. The exported information depends on the Record Type (see below). More than one Record Type will be included in exporting a selected manifest.

First Row, No Header

This information will be available for LTL, Commingle, or Origin too. More information about Direct Trailers with stop(s) will be provided( see Direct Trailer). If not creating Direct Trailers, then you can skip to Pallet Information.

Column A, Row 1 = Record Type = Trailer represented as "1"

Column B, Row 1 = DAT-MAIL's Job ID (system generated).

Column C, Row 1 = Truck Load # that LSC assigns.

Column E, Row 1 = Trailer Type = Consolidator (in this example).

Column F, Row 1 = Scheduled Dispatch Date

Column G, Row 1 = Manifest ID

Column H, Row 1 = Destination (this will be the CFID if it is a consolidation center; “blank” if it is LTL or a Direct Truck; and the name of the distribution center linked to the shipment if it is a commingle center)

Direct Trailer

The information located in Row 1 matches with the fields above. In addition there are additional rows with the Record Type of 2, which represents a Stop. So, for example, if you have two stops you will see the first stop in Row 2 and the second stop in Row 3.

Column A, Row 2, etc. = Record Type = "2" which is the record type of Stop.

Column B, Row 2, etc.= is the Stop Number.

Column C, Row 2, etc. =is the Locale Key of each stop.

Column E, Row 2, etc. = is the Facility Type of each stop.

Column F, Row 2 etc. = is the Facility Physical ZIP+4 of each stop.

Pallet Information

When it is not a Direct Trailer, Row 2 starts the pallet information. Otherwise, it will start after the rows representing the stop with a record type of "2". You can tell when the pallets begin because the Record Type = "3" for Pallets. Here we will assume that we are looking at a Trailer Type of Consolidator.

Column A, Row 2, etc. = Record Type = "3" for Pallet

Column B, Row 2, etc. = DAT-MAIL Job ID (system generated)

Column C, Row 2, etc. = Job Number

Column D, Row ,2 etc. = Mail Class

Column E, Row 2, etc. = Principal Processing Category

Column F, Row 2, etc. = Pieces

Column G, Row 2 etc. = Copies

Column H, Row 2 etc. = Mail Weight

Column I, Row 2, etc. = Gross Weight

Column J, Row 2, etc. = User Container ID (UCID)

Column K, Row 2, etc. = IMCB

Column L, Row 2, = Blank

Column M, Row 2, = Destination ZIP

Column N, Row 2 etc. = Entry Facility Type

Column O, Row 2 etc. = Facility Physical ZIP+4

Column P, Row 2 etc. = In-Home Date

Column Q, Row 2, etc. = Postage Statement Date

Column R, Row 2, etc. = OptType will be 0 for dropship.

If you have mail marked for copal, it will show "1" and for commingle it will show "2" for OptType.


These export results (CSV file)…


…translate to this:


Continue CoPal Upload - Use