CoPal Upload - Use

The CoPal Upload option is to send updates for copal jobs to LSC only.


  • Selecting the Copal Upload launches the Copal Logistics Data Exchange Job Browse screen, which displays a list of jobs that have copal trays in them.

  • Select all jobs to send updates to LSC and click Send to Carrier.


  • A Warning dialog will display. Click Yes to continue.


  • A Progress dialog will display.


  • When the transfer completes, a Totals of process dialog will display, providing information on the success or failure of the upload to LSC.


    You will also receive an email notification from letting you know the upload is complete.

If errors occur, a log can also be displayed to provide failure information for the selected jobs (including the Job ID and Name). Click Show Log to view the log data.

Continue DSMS Release - Use