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IMAP Status

There are six statuses for the Intelligent Mail Assessment Platform, so you can keep track of what you have done about the undocumented pieces. The default is Blank, and if necessary, you may change the status back to Blank. The examples below for IMAP Status are related to Undocumented Pieces, but these statuses also apply to Move Update.

Dispute To USPS: When you have completed investigating an invoice period, you can filter on the Error Invoice Period, export a CSV file to send the USPS, and change the status to Dispute To USPS. If not all of the pieces are disputed, you will need to add a filter(s) before exporting the pieces and changing the status.

Paid by Shasta (Shasta is our Demo Company, you will see your Company Name): Any pieces you are not disputing and will pay the assessment change to Paid by Shasta. If necessary, add another filter(s), export the CSV, and change the status.

Reversed by USPS: This status represents that your dispute is successful, and the USPS reversed the assessment. Or a situation where the USPS had technical issues and reversed the assessment.

Sent to Vendor: If you send barcoded pieces to a commingler, for example, and they show up as undocumented, you can export them and send a CSV file to the vendor and change the status to this one.

Docs received from vendor: You can change the pieces marked as Sent to Vendor to Doc received from vendor when the vendor responds to your query about undocumented pieces and either pays for the assessment or confirms that postage was paid for these pieces.

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