
All users of a PostalWeb site are assigned a ‘role.’ A role can be thought of as a permissions level. When a person is invited to become a PostalWeb user, they are assigned a role by the site administrator when the invitation is made. Their role can be changed at a later date by the appropriate personnel.

The following is a list of the available roles and an explanation of each role:

Administrator or Mail Owner Admin: They have full access to the entire site and should be assigned using great care; administrators can assign any role.

IT Personnel: It has minimal access, similar to a user, but targets system messages such as critical updates to client software.

User or Mail Owner User: This is typically a user that only receives automated communications such as e-mailed statements and confirmation pages but does not usually access PostalWeb’s Postage Statements.

The term ‘user’ is used throughout this document as a general name for any member of a PostalWeb site, not as the specific role level of User or Mail Owner User.

Features available for the various roles are shown in Menu Accessibility.

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