PostalWeb (PWN) Menus

The following section describes the available menus and menu options found in PWN, along with the components. The description of each menu option will also provide what role or roles have access to it.

Not all roles have the required permissions to view all menus.

My Dashboard Menu

Role Access: ALL

The My Dashboard area generally contains administrative information, such as the user’s profile and system notifications.

The options within the My Dashboard menu are:

  • My Dashboard: The My Dashboard screen shows the EDocs production history of the Mail Owner's (MO) submissions (blue), received UPD documents (yellow), and received FIN statements (green) for three weeks.

  • My Profile: The Member Profile screen (also known as the Personal Information screen) allows users to edit personal contact information on file in the PWN system. This information was entered when the user registered the site or was invited to be a user by the Company Administrator or Location Manager. The screen is separated into four categories: Personal Information, Contact Info, Mailing Address, and Billing Address.

  • Manage Subscriptions: Turn on and off whether a user receives PostalWeb System Notifications.

  • Notifications: If there are system notifications such as system status, downtime, and updates, they will be displayed here. The Notifications screen displays a list of all the notifications to date in summary form.

Statements Menu

Role Access: ALL users with the Mail Owner Application enabled

For users assigned an administrator role, the Statements menu is the same as the Mail Owner menu. Therefore, users assigned an administrator role should refer to the Mail Owner Menu below.

Mail Owner Menu

Role Access: Company Administrator

This category is for the management and maintenance of the overall PWN site.

The Mail Owner menu will only be visible if the user logged in is assigned an Administrator role.

The options in the Mail Owner menu are:

  • Mail Owner Info: The Mail Owner Information page allows the Administrator to edit the name, contact information, and addresses associated with the company the PWN site is registered to. The screen is separated into four categories: Mail Owner Information, Contact Info, Mailing Address, and Billing Address.

  • Locations: This option is to add additional locations. Plus, see the MIDs and Permits linked to your PostalOne! credentials entered on this page. Note, if you have multiple CRIDs linked to your PostalOne! credentials, PWN will automatically add them to your site. It is not unusual for a Mail Owner to have multiple CRIDs for the same address. For example, there may be different CRIDs for each department's mail pieces.

  • Invite Users: Inviting users is the first step in bringing new users onboard to use PWN. The invitation is in the form of an email to the prospective user. The email contains a link that the prospective user must click on to register. Inviting users is covered in the Setup Guide. See Mail Owner > Invite Users for details.

  • Invitations: As the email invitation is sent, it is also added the invitations list in PWN for invites without a reply. The Invitations page is also covered in the Setup Guide. See Mail Owner > Invitations for details.

  • Manage Users: This screen displays a list of the PWN site’s users. For example, users assigned the Company Administrator role can manage role assignment, location assignment, and subscribed services for each user from this screen. Manage users is covered in the Setup Guide. See Mail Owner > Manage Users

  • Services: On the Services page, you can see what services have been turned on by a Window Book representative.

  • Postage Statements: The Postage Statements screen displays the postage statements that PostalOne has generated!. In addition, the screen displays postage statements based on applied filters set by the user. Just above the list of postage statements, message displays, either red or green, alternate every 30 seconds between the latest submission to PostalOne! and the latest receipt from PostalOne!.

Reporting Menu

Role Access: All

The EDocs Reporting feature must be turned On in a user’s profile for the Reporting menu to display.

The Reporting module in PWN allows user-configurable reports to be easily generated and displayed, then saved in either PDF or Excel formats if desired. Reports are based on the past 13 months of data (at a minimum) from the Client’s past postage statements retrieved from PostalOne!.

The options in the Reporting menu are:

  • EDocs Reports and Mail Owner Reports, both of which are the same options:

    • Postage Report: A summary of all mailings for a user-defined period itemized by class, mailing category (flats, letters, etc.), and rates. The resulting report may be exported into various file formats and printed. This report is predefined with a fixed layout.

    • Report Definitions(requires EDOCS Reporting service to be turned On in user’s profile): A utility for configuring a report definition or template used by the User-Defined Reports report generator (see next bullet item below). Templates may be configured as either a summary or detailed listing using virtually any data field contained in a postage statement, in any order desired. Multiple templates may be configured and saved.

    • User-Defined Reports(requires EDOCS Reporting service to be turned On in user’s profile): This report generator uses the previously defined report definitions and a combination of basic filtering. The user-defined report may be displayed and saved as a PDF or Excel.

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