Mail Owner > Mail Owner Info

Role Access: Administrator

The Mail Owner (MO) Info option allows the Administrator to edit the information associated with the company registered with PostalWeb. This information was populated at your Company's PostalWeb site (PWN) registration.

Mail Owner Information

Contact Info

Mailing Address

Billing Address

When any changes have been made in the Mail Owner Information screen, the user must click Done for the changes to take effect.

Navigating away from the Mail Owner Information screen before clicking Done will cancel any changes that have been made.

Mail Owner Information

From the Mail Owner menu, select Mail Owner Info to open the Mail Owner Information page.

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

Mail Owner Name: The company name of the MO.

Email: Preferably the email address of someone high up in the Company that can be contacted should the main Administrator be unavailable.

Select Logo: An image file with a MO’s company logo can be uploaded here. If uploaded, the logo will appear on the MO’s PostalWeb site, email notifications, etc., to brand it as their site.

If you changed your logo and did not upload during the initial sign-on to your Company's site, please see Mail Owner > Mail Owner Info - Adding a Company Logo for details.

Contact Info

Click on the Contact Info tile to see the items in this section.

A new section will open to display with the items in Contact Info.

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

Primary Phone: The primary Company phone

Other Phone: Any other pertinent phone number

Fax: Company fax number

Mailing Address

To select the Mailing Address screen, click on the Mailing Address tile.

A new section will open to display with the items in Mailing Address.

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

Mailing Address

To select the Mailing Address screen, click on the Mailing Address tile.

A new section will open to display with the items in Mailing Address.

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

Country: Select the Company's country resides in using the drop-down menu, either the United States or Canada. This selection changes the display of some of the other entries noted below.

If United States:

Line 1: Street Address of the Company

Line 2: Secondary street address, if necessary

City: The city of the Company’s location

Mailing & Billing are the same: If the mailing and billing address are the same, set the toggle to On. The mailing information entered on this screen will be copied to the Billing Address screen.

If Canada:

Line 1: Street Address of the Company

Line 2: Secondary street address, if necessary

City: The city of the Company’s location

Province: Select the Canadian province the Company resides in from the drop-down menu selection.

Postal Code: The Canadian postal code the Company resides in.

Billing Address

To select the Billing Address screen, click on the Billing Address tile.

A new section will display the items in Billing Address.

An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

If the toggle is On for Mailing & Billing Address are the same, when you click Done, if your Mailing Address changed, the Billing Address changes too. If you click on Billing Address before clicking Done, it will show the old billing address. In this example, the address was updated in the Mailing Address section, and the Billing Address section will be updated after Done is clicked.

Line 1, Line 2, City, State, and ZIP Code (for US) or Province and Postal Code (for Canada): The Company address to send billings to.

The address entered here should be the location's address to which billables, statements, etc., should be sent.

When changing the Billing Address, the Mailing & Billing are the same option needs to be set to Off in the Mailing Address section.

When all items have been entered or edited in Mail Owner Information, the user must click Done for the changes to take effect.

A confirmation message will display, and the changes have been saved.

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