
All users of a PostalWeb site are assigned a role. A role can be thought of as a permissions level. When a person is invited to become a PostalWeb user, they are assigned a role either by a Company Administrator or Company Location Manager. The appropriate personnel can change their role later(Company Administrator or Company Location Manager).

The following is a list of the available roles with an explanation of each:

Company Administrator: They have full access to the entire site and should be assigned with great care. Administrators can assign any role but cannot change or deactivate themselves.

IT Personnel: They have minimal access, similar to a user.

Company Location Manager: They have less access than a Company Administrator but has overall broad rights and is the only role besides a Company Administrator that can invite new users. Generally has control over all locations and Company Location Users. Can only assign Company Location Manager and Company Location User roles.

Company Location User: They have minimal access and is generally under the control of the Company Location Manager (and Company Administrator). Can access data from multiple locations as assigned by the Company Location Manager or Company Administrator;

Company CSR: This is a role designed specifically for a Customer Service Representative of the MSP. It is intended to give the MSP control over releasing statements to mail owners.

Company User: Typically only receives automated communications such as e-mailed statements and confirmation pages.

The term ‘user’ is used throughout this document as a general name for any member of a PostalWeb site, not as the specific role level of ‘User.’

Features available for the various roles are shown in Menu Structure At-A-Glance located in Additional Resources.

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