Reporting > EDocs Reports > Postage Report

Role Access: All

The Postage Report summarizes all mailings that PostalWeb has collected for a user-defined period itemized by class, mailing category (flats, letters, etc.), and rates. The resulting report may be exported in Excel or PDF file formats.

  • From the Reporting menu, hover over EDocs Reports and select Postage Report. The MSP Postage Report page will display. In addition, filters used for streamlining the report results are shown.

    An explanation of each option or field is shown below the print screen:

    Start Date: This date defaults to date approximately 30 days earlier than the current date.

    End Date: This date defaults to the current date. If desired, the date values may be changed to new values.

    Job ID, Job Number, Permit Number, and Mail Owner’ filters are mutually exclusive. Only a single filter may be used at one time.

    Hide/Show: The filters fields will disappear when you click Hide. Click Show, and the filter fields will show.

    Reset: This button can be used to clear any previously set filters.

    Run Report: After the desired filters are set, click Run Report. The resulting report will display on the screen below the report filters.

    Once the MSP Postage Report Result displays, Hide can hide the filter fields to show a more extended display on the screen.

  • Form/Mail Class: This is the class or form of mail.

  • Category: This is the type of mail (letters, flats, etc.).

  • Rate Description: The rate level or type applied to the mail class and category.

  • Entry: The entry point at which the mail entered the USPS delivery system, if available.

  • Pieces: The total number of pieces for the combination of Form/Mail Class, Category, and Rate Level.

  • Postage: The total postage cost for the number of pieces mailed, using the combination of Form/Mail Class, Category, and Rate Level.

    Below the MSP Postage Report Result is an introductory statistics chart summarizing how the job data was derived.

  • To export the report results to an Excel or PDF file, click the corresponding button above the report.

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