Create Package - Process Option Section

Once the price appears, users need to choose one of three processing options before exiting the Create Package screen:

  • Save only: Saves the package. In the Packages screen, the package displays at the top of the package list with a status of Price Calculated (line item is blue).

  • Save and purchase label: Saves the package and purchases a label. In the Packages screen, the package displays in the list with a status of Label Purchased (line item is green). A Tracking Number is assigned to the package.

  • Save, purchase, and print label: Saves the package and prints the label. In the Packages screen, the package displays with a status of Label Printed (line item is orange). A Tracking Number is assigned to the package.

Once one of the three options is selected, choose on of these options:

  • Process: Performs option chosen and completely clears the Create Package screen.

  • Process and Clone: Performs option chosen and creates an identical package.

If an error occurs, make the necessary changes to resolve the issue. Then the system will recalculate and display the shipping charge.

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